Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2018.03.15 | Research, Health and disease, Public/Media

A small protein with many applications

Researchers from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and from the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University have collaboratively developed and described a llama-antibody that might have significant impact for future diagnostics and treatment of, e.g., kidney diseases.

Photo: Colourbox

2018.03.15 | Research, Health and disease, Public/Media

Gut feeling is important to the GP

A new study from CaP shows that GPs with great empathy listen to their gut feeling when facing a patient.

2017 Brain Prize Winner Professor Ray Dolan

2018.03.14 | Events, Research, Academic staff

Neuroscience Day 2018 - "Rewarding Neuroscience"

Registration is now open! On 1 May, NeuroCampus Aarhus is hosting ”Neuroscience Day 2018 - Rewarding Neuroscience”. The event is open to all students, researchers, clinicians, therapists, caregivers, foundations and organizations interested in neuroscience.

Photo: Unsplash

2018.03.15 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

How to avoid problems with the phishing mails

AU is currently under attack by a new wave of phishing mails, so please be extremely cautious about clicking on links in mails – or you could be the next person to take the bait.

2018.03.22 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff

DEBATE: We must not be afraid to make mistakes

Researchers publishing research results that cannot be replicated is not solely a sign of crisis in health science research. Researchers have an obligation to publish their findings, even though there is a risk of incorrect conclusions, says Lars Bo Nielsen, dean of Health, Aarhus University

The vision process at medicine leads to new academic regulations for both the Bachelor’s and the Master's degree programmes. Photo: Jesper Rais.

2018.03.22 | Education, Administration (Academic), Academic staff

New academic regulations at medicine following the vision process

The board of studies for medicine has decided to revise both the Bachelor’s and the Master’s degree programmes in order to be able to live up to the faculty's new vision and strategy for the medical degree programme. The new academic regulations come into force from September 2020.

2018.03.14 | Event, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi

Research year defence

Maria Møller Pedersen

2018.03.13 | Event, Research, All groups


In connection to the annual Brain Awareness Week there is a public event with lectures on brain research in the DNC Auditorium at Aarhus University Hospital, Thursday 15 March 2018. ALL ARE WELCOME.

2018.03.13 | Conference, Education, learning and philosophy, Academic staff

International Conference on Motivation (ICM) 2018

The conference is jointly organized by EARLI SIG 8 and Aarhus University

2018.03.13 | Research, Research, All groups

PROMEMO is hiring two postdocs

The new Center for Proteins in Memory (PROMEMO) at Aarhus University is hiring two postdocs

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