2019.01.08 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Academic staff
Novel insights into the function and regulation of MASPs of the lectin pathway of complement
2019.01.08 | PhD defense, Health and disease, PhD students
Novel approaches to modeling pre-stroke depression in the rat
2019.01.08 | PhD defense, Health and disease, PhD students
Early life programming of brain and behaviour
2019.01.10 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff
Many researchers have positive experiences of the external research funding database Research Professional, and this is one of the reasons why the Research Support Office is extending the pilot scheme for a further two years. At the same time, Researchfunding.net – which is AU’s and AUH’s own locally run database – will be phased out.
2019.01.07 | Symposium, Health and disease, Academic staff
The aim of this symposium is to discuss CNS disorders (stroke, cognitive decline and depression) in diabetes based on the hypothesis that neuronal dysfunction in diabetes not only involves disorders of the peripheral nervous system, but may also affect the central nervous system.
2019.01.07 | Research, Academic staff, iPSYCH
Newborns with Vitamin D deficiency have an increased risk of schizophrenia later in life, researchers from Aarhus BSS at Aarhus University and the University of Queensland report. The discovery could prevent some cases of the disease, and shows that neonatal vitamin D deficiency could possibly account for about 8 per cent of all schizophrenia…
2019.01.07 | Grants and awards, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi
Large grant from the US will facilitate the collection of biospecimens among women enrolled in SnartForældre.dk – an online preconception study. The aim is to study whether exposure to endocrine disruptors is associated with infertility and spontaneous abortion.
2019.01.04 | Research, Research, All groups
We are happy and proud to announce three PhD defences by TNU PhD students in January.
2019.01.04 | Research, Health and disease, Public/Media
A giant toadstool that swallow up vitamins and nutrients in the intestines and kidneys. This is how the receptor, which e.g. absorbs B12 vitamin in the small intestine, looks. For the first time, researchers have an insight into an as yet unknown biology which has survived hundreds of millions of years during the evolution of life.
2019.01.04 | Research, Research, All groups
In the interview, PROMEMO Director Anders Nykjær addresses the influence of smartphones on memory and the importance of continuously challenging the brain in order to strengthen memory.