Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2020.07.28 | Event, Research, Public/Media

Virtual DANDRITE Lecture by Prof. Kenneth Harris

Prof. Kenneth Harris from University College London will give a virtual DANDRITE lecture titled: "Learning orthogonalizes visual cortical population codes"

2020.07.27 | Research, Public/Media, Dandrite

New publication in EJN by Tomonori Takeuchi's Team

The title of the article is: "Initial memory consolidation and the synaptic tagging and capture hypothesis".

2020.07.27 | Events, Public/Media, Emergency Medicine


Cardiac Arrest: A Need for New Therapies. Friday 21st August, 2020 at 2-4 PM. It is now only possible to attend the defense virtually. A zoom link can be obtained upon request. Please register by sending an e-mail to Mathias J. Holmberg no later than August 19, 2020 at: mathias.holmberg@clin.au.dk.

The research result shows that there is light at the end of the tunnel – and that’s a story worth telling, says Søren Dinesen Østergaard. Photo: Melissa B. Kirkeby Yildirim, AU.

2020.07.17 | Research, Health and disease, Public/Media

Increased psychological well-being after the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic

The corona crisis appears to have had a negative impact on the mental health of the Danish population, but research from Aarhus University shows that the psychological well-being had improved already by the end of April.

2020.07.16 | Conference, History and achaeology, Academic staff


CROSSDEM 2021 will focus on (a) the intersection of quantitative/eco-informatics models with premodern demography and social transmission as well as on (b) the integration of actualistic/ethnographic information with understandings of past demography and cultural evolution.

2020.07.15 | Administrative, Public/Media, Dandrite

Join our DANDRITE Alumni Network on LinkedIn!

The purpose of the network is to gather current and former DANDRITE employees and to share relevant events, news and stories from the neuroscience community. Join the network by following the link.

Circle U. have been approved by the EU Commission.

2020.07.10 | Research, Research, All groups

New European University Alliance: EU gives go-ahead to Circle U.

The European Commission has approved an ambitious collaboration project between AU and six other European universities. Together, they can now call themselves the 'European University Alliance'. The title comes with a grant of 5 million euros.

2020.07.09 | Event, PhD students, Dandrite

EMBL Career Day Webinar: "Non-PI tracks in academic research"

The long-standing annual EMBL Career Day provides an overview of non-academic career possibilities for scientists from all EMBL sites and the local scientific community. A series of webinars will cover both academic and non-academic careers.

2020.07.09 | PhD students, Dandrite, Dandrite

Virtual DANDRITE Lecture by Dr. Takuya Sasaki

Dr. Takuya Sasaki from the University of Tokyo, Japan, will give a virtual DANDRITE lecture titled: "Spatial learning and memory replays in the hippocampus"

2020.07.08 | Seminar, Academic staff, Dandrite

Virtual Neurogenetics Nature Conference

This 2nd conference on Neurogenetics organized by Nature Conferences and NYU has the goal to bridge the gap between neuroscientists and geneticists and provide a forum for discussing recent advances and innovative strategies for future research in neurogenetics.

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