Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2020.07.28 | Events, Health and disease, Academic staff

CANCELLED: Drop-in writing cafe supports researchers in their writing process

The Research Support Office will open the first writing cafe on 2 September, providing researchers from Health with the peace and quiet and advice needed to write their funding applications.

Photo: Colourbox

2020.07.06 | Research, Research, All groups

A bigger academic megaphone for AU researchers

A new agreement between Aarhus University Press and the prestigious Johns Hopkins University Press will give AU researchers access to a much bigger audience than previously.

2020.07.02 | Meeting, PhD students, Neurocampus

Synuclein Meeting 2022 in Leuven, Belgium

The Organizing Committee wishes to update you on the decision to postpone the Synuclein Meeting 2021 to a later date. The next Synuclein Meeting will be held in Leuven, Belgium, from Tuesday 12 April until Friday 15 April 2022.

2020.07.02 | People news, Academic staff, Dandrite

Paula Lindner: Joint PhD student, DANDRITE and NCMM

Paula Lindner defended her PhD on 9 June 2020. Her PhD was a joint project between NCMM, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, and DANDRITE, Aarhus University.

2020.07.02 | Event, Academic staff, Dandrite

MBG FOCUS TALK by professor Daan van Aalten

At the MBG FOCUS TALK, hosted by Erik Østergaard Jensen, professor Daan van Aalten will talk about: "The O-GlcNAc modification and its role in neurodevelopmental delay."

Photo: Søren Kjeldgaard, AU Photo

2020.07.09 | Events, Research, All groups

Free admission to natural science museums in Aarhus

Aarhus University's historical collection has been transferred to the Science Museums. The museums mark this by giving all employees and students at Aarhus University free admission to the Steno Museum. This also applies to daily shows and guided tours in the planetarium during the summer holidays. Admission to the Greenhouses is already free for…

2020.07.02 | Meeting, Public/Media, Health

CANCELLED: Annual meeting in the Personalised Medicine Network

The annual meeting is cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation.

2020.07.02 | Research, Public/Media, External target group

Best in the world

The Department of Political Science is the best in the world within public administration according to the recently published Shanghai Ranking. The department is also ranked number three in Europe within political science.

2020.07.01 | Meeting, Public/Media, Health

CANCELLED: Annual meeting in the Cardiovascular Network

The annual meeting is cancelled due to COVID-19.

Photo: Poul Ib Henriksen

2020.07.01 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

Some Arts activities move to Katrinebjerg – Nat and Tech to take over Kasernen

A significant proportion of Arts’ activities will be gathered in Katrinebjerg, where a new building will be erected to house them. Nat and Tech will then take over Kasernen, currently occupied by Arts, and will use the area for in the future development of engineering programmes at AU. These are the long-term plans for the development of AU’s…

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