Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Medical Doctor, DMSc and PhD Signe Holm Larsen has defended her higher doctoral dissertation at Aarhus University. Photo: Ditte Capion Artvaerk

2021.08.10 | People news, Public/Media, Health

New Doctor of Medical Science investigates the treatment of congenital heart disease

Medical Doctor, DMSc and PhD Signe Holm Larsen has defended her higher doctoral dissertation at Aarhus University. Here she investigates the results following the treatment of congenital heart disease. The research provides new knowledge that can help medical doctors optimise treatment.

2021.08.09 | Symposium, Students, Dandrite


Join us for the 23nd Anniversary of the annual EMBL PhD Symposium. Since its conception in 1999, the EMBL PhD Symposium has evolved into a highly respected scientific meeting, connecting young researchers and high-profile scientists alike.

2021.08.09 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health

PhD defence: Tine Vrist Dam

The anabolic effect of estrogen on skeletal muscle mass and performance

The new Doctor of Medical Science took part in the development of a scanning method which helps medical doctors improve the diagnosis and treatment of heart patients. Photo:

2021.08.11 | People news, Public/Media, Health

New scanning method improves diagnostics of heart patients

In cases where arteriosclerosis is suspected around the heart, a new method can provide a faster and more precise diagnosis. In his recent higher doctoral dissertation, Associate Professor and Consultant Bjarne Linde Nørgaard from Aarhus University concludes that the method has value for the future treatment of heart patients.

2021.08.09 | Event, Public/Media, Dandrite

DANDRITE Lecture by Kasper Bø Hansen

Title: "Structural and functional mechanisms of allosteric NMDA receptor modulation".

Professor of Kariology Bente Nyvad believes that the scientific job advertisement can almost disqualify women in advance. Photo: Simon Fischel, AU Health.

2021.08.12 | People news, Research, Academic staff

”I probably wouldn’t have become professor today”

Forget the strict checklist when we employ people and focus instead on potential and ideas. That is what leads to more creative research and more woman among the applicants, according to Professor Bente Nyvad.

2021.08.09 | Conference, Language and communication, Academic staff

Translating Europe Workshop 2021 - Oversættelse beriger kommunikation

Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet, inviterer til en workshop i serien “Translating Europe” (under Europa-Kommissionen) i samarbejde med EU-Kommissionens Repræsentation i Danmark og Forbundet Kommunikation og Sprog. Workshoppen vil blive afholdt på dansk.

Picture of Katharina Wolter

2021.08.09 | People news, Students, Dandrite

Welcome to Katharina Wolter who is new Bachelor Student in Nykjær Group per 9 August

Katharina Wolter studies molecular medicine, and she is starting her bachelor studies in Anders Nykjær’s group. She will study the role of SorCS3 in neural stem cells differentiation.

2021.08.06 | Research, Public/Media, Dandrite

Marie Curie Fellow Asad Jan and Assistant Professor Nelson Ferreira from Jensen Lab publish a Review article in the special issue of IJMS on Synucleinopathies

In this review article, the authors discuss recent developments on the hypothesis regarding trans-synaptic propagation of α-syn pathology in the context of neuronal vulnerability and highlight the potential utility of novel experimental models of synucleinopathies. Additional contributors include Nádia Pereira Gonçalves, Christian Bjerggaard…

2021.08.04 | Conference, Language and communication, Academic staff

A Roundtable Discussion on Online Teaching and Learning of Chinese Characters

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way Chinese as a foreign language (abbreviated into CFL) is taught and learned. It highlights the urge to innovate CFL teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). While we shift face-to-face CFL teaching to online remote teaching, one of the daunting tasks haunting CFL teachers is how to teach Chinese…

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