Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2021.02.01 | Seminar, PhD students, Dandrite

KJELDGAARD Lecture by Dario Valenzano, PhD

Dario Valenzano (PhD), Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biology and Ageing in Cologne, Germany, will give a virtual KJELGAARD lecture titled: “African killifishes shed light on evolution and modulation of lifespan”. The lecture is hosted by Group Leader Anne von Phillipsborn. You can find the invitation and Zoom link here.

Ea Jensen

2021.02.01 | People news, Public/Media, Dandrite

Welcome to Ea Jensen who is new scholarship student in Anders Nykjær's group

Ea Jensen is studying Molecular Medicine and is joining the Nykjær group for one year as of February 1st. Ea has received a scholarship stipend from the Danish Society for Neuroscience and will be working with Assistant Professor Lilian Kisiswa on a project entitled "The Role of SorCS1 in regulating astrocytic function in neuropsychiatric…

2021.02.01 | Event, Public/Media, Dandrite

PhD defense by Samuel Hjort-Jensen: "Crystallographic investigations of the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase: towards neutron, time-resolved, and novel inhibitor structures"

During his studies, Samuel Hjorth-Jensen investigated the calcium pump, a protein that transports calcium and maintains large concentration differences across cell membranes. The activity of the calcium pump is important for calcium signalling in cells, and dysfunction of the pump is implicated in several diseases such as Parkinson’s and heart…

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