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2021.05.07 | People news, Technical / administrative staff, Dandrite

DANDRITE and PROMEMO attended Festival of Research 2021 online

This year, DANDRITE and PROMEMO were well represented at the Festival of Research, as several researchers had signed up for the "Book a Scientist" programme and offered free, online talks. Affiliated Researcher Jørgen Kjems also offered a live speed lecture.

2021.05.07 | Deadline, Students, Dandrite

Find your future bachelor/project/thesis supervisor for Project Day 2021 - 17 May 2021

The researchers from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics will present their research projects to Bachelor, Project and Master students. The event will be held via Zoom. Registration for event is necessary (by 17 May at 10 am) to receive a list of Zoom links to the various researchers.

2021.05.07 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health

Virtual PhD defence: Mads Dam Lyhne

Preclinical research in acute pulmonary embolism provides inspiration to clinical trials

2021.05.07 | Event, Research, All groups

EMBO Japan Virtual Lecture on “Sensory pathways governing locomotion and appetitive behaviour”

Open to scientists worldwide: EMBO | Japan Virtual Lectures co-organized with Tohoku University “Sensory pathways governing locomotion and appetitive behaviour” By Claire Wyart and Hiromu Tanimoto 11 May 2021 9:00-10:30 CET (16:00-17:30 JST) See lecture abstracts and register for free at…

[Translate to English:] DFF har med uddelingen blandt andet støttet forskning i grøn omstilling. Foto: Lars Kruse, AU Foto

2021.05.25 | Grants and awards, Research, All groups

Independent Research Fund Denmark awards millions to AU researchers

This week, the IRFD announced that a total DKK 176 million will be granted to 55 researchers at Aarhus University.

2021.05.07 | Seminar, Academic staff, Dandrite

EMBL Careers Webinar | Postdoc Positions in Industry

Their fourth webinar for 2021 is aimed at early career researchers who are curious about the option of doing a postdoc in industry. They have invited three speakers to give insights from a different perspective (HR, current postdoc, former postdoc). Click here to register.

2021.05.07 | Seminar, PhD students, Dandrite

EMBO | Japan Virtual Lectures

The seminar series is entitled: “Sensory pathways governing locomotion and appetitive behaviour”. The series is organised by Claire Wyart and Hiromu Tanimoto, and co-organized with Tohoku University. See lecture abstracts and register for free here.

The deep, professional community and the opportunity to push new research into patients' reality are two of the great benefits of life as a researcher, says Professor Ida Vogel. Photo: Jann Thiele Zeiss

2021.05.06 | Health, Health, Research

"There are so many good reasons why women should do research"

Professor Ida Vogel wants to inspire other women to have a research career - and she fights for equal conditions in academia, although it does not always feel strategically smart to be the one pointing out the injustices.

Ars – Scientia – Justitia was created by the sculptor Bjørn Nørgaard and can be seen, touched and sat on in Vennelystparken. The work has been donated by New Carlsberg Foundation.

2021.05.25 | Events, Administration (Academic), All groups

New Bjørn Nørgaard sculpture at Aarhus University

On Friday 7 May, a new sculpture by the artist Bjørn Nørgaard will be unveiled in the University Park. The five-meter-high colourful sculpture was donated to Aarhus University by the New Carlsberg Foundation.

The students' use of images of laboratory animals for scientific purposes must be approved by the principal supervisor or group leader. Stockfoto: Pexels

2021.05.05 | Administration (Academic), Health, Academic staff

Images of laboratory animals – do you know the rules?

The previously unwritten rules on how images of laboratory animals may be used can now be found in print and online.

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