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Aarhus University brainstorms about Campus 2.0

On Friday 7 October 2016, representatives from business, culture, politics and Aarhus city government will join the university for the first of two workshops which will kickstart the process of creating a modern urban campus.

2016.10.11 | Signe Opstrup

Sketch has been prepared by E+N Arkitektur.

When Aarhus University takes over the AUH Nørrebrogade property in 2019, an exciting new chapter in the university’s history will begin. But what should the area contain, and how can the university create a modern campus integrated with the city and commercial uses? Aarhus University invites input on these questions, and is encouraging both internal and external stakeholders to contribute their ideas and proposals.

“It’s important that we continually develop our existing campus to keep step with users’ needs and desires. Students continue to make new demands on their study environment, research infrastructure is changing, and the university is intensifying its interaction with the city and business. To create a future-proof campus, it’s important that we know what our stakeholders thoughts are about what the campus should contain. We need their input,” says Aarhus University rector Brian Bech Nielsen about the background for the brainstorm this autumn.

Forskningsfondens Ejendomsselskab A/S (FEAS), the new owner of the hospital property, will work together with Aarhus University, the tenant of the property, to develop a completely new campus area which will be buzzing with life and activity around the clock.

“We want to create a space which builds on the unique, beautiful campus we already have – a campus which is integrated with the city and business, and which students, staff, citizens and business use and want to be part of 24/7,” explains Rector Nielsen.

A glimpse of the future

What will the campus look like in 2019, or in 2028 for that matter? For example, will there be space for collaboration between the university’s students and small innovative companies?

“I’ve already heard people’s dreams of running paths winding through the University Park and the buildings on Nørrebrogade, small bookshops on campus and cultural events, and of course, good coffee for students and local residents,” says the rector, and continues:

“We haven’t started the detailed planning process for the area yet, but starting with this autumn’s process, we are taking the first steps on the path to a future-proof campus with a high international standard. I’m looking forward to hearing the many good ideas and proposals.”

Your ideas are important

The university will bring internal and external stakeholders together for a brainstorming session on the campus of the future at two workshops this autumn. The first will take place on 7 October, and the second on 9 December. The participants are representatives from business, culture, and politics, the City of Aarhus, local residents, students and employees of Aarhus University as well as the university’s senior management team. The input from the workshops will be drawn on in the process of developing the area.

If you have ideas about what the campus of the future should contain, the university would like to hear from you. You can submit your ideas about the campus of the future on the website www.nycampus.au.dk, where you can also read more about the process.

In parallel with the university's idea generation process, FEAS is running a process to prepare for a local development plan for the area. Read more.

Preparatory to the takeover of the property in 2019, an internal process will also take place at the university to determine how the space is to be allocated and the tempo of relocation to the new facilities, in close dialogue with the faculties involved.

Further information

Read more at www.nycampus.au.dk (in Danish).

If you have any questions, please contact:

  • Brian Bech Nielsen, rector of Aarhus University, rektor@au.dk
  • Charlotte Lyngholm, Head of Construction and Planning, Aarhus University, cl@au.dk

Article from 5 January 2016: AU to take over the hospital buildings on Nørrebrogade

Collaboration, All groups, External target group, Aarhus University