On 23 May 2017, the Central Denmark EU office in Brussels (CDEU) – at the request of the Research Support Office – held a seminar in Brussels on impact in Horizon 2020 applications.
2017.06.08 |
The event was for all administrative staff members at AU who contribute to the pursuit of Aarhus University’s objective of securing more research funding from the EU.
Such a large-scale event attracts the most interesting speakers from the European Commission, and administrative colleagues from the other Danish universities had therefore been invited to come along, too.
The speakers included Neville Reeve, a senior policy analyst with the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, who has been involved in developing the impact concept in the EU research programmes.
The other seven speakers from the European Commission spoke about the requirement that, in future, Horizon 2020 applications must contain more convincing descriptions of how projects can contribute to making a scientific, innovative and social difference for Europe. A trend which will be strengthened further in the new ninth framework programme.
The seminar was the first in a series of three to four seminars to be held over the next 18 months. The seminars will focus on different themes, e.g. data management, gender/equality and ethics. The Research Support Office would like to encourage more AU colleagues to attend the seminars in Brussels, and the upcoming seminars will be announced on the Research Support Office website and in the Research Support Office’s newsletter.