Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Autumn Newsletter 78 from October 2017

Dear All Please find latest news

2017.10.31 | Thomas G. Jensen

Department's economy

The department's economy remains good in the short term, but we are still working on the long-term challenges for 2018 and beyond. The challenges are mainly due to increasing rent due to the construction processes and a decrease in education income.



The building of the Skou building has been quiet for a while, but the construction process is about to start again. The best estimate is that the building is ready for us in August 2018.


House meetings December 2017

House meetings will be held in December on the following dates:

5. December at 9 AM, 1160 and 1180 complexes, the coffee room in 1160

8. December at 9 AM, Bartholin, Auditorium

13. December at 9:30, 1170 complex, the coffee room

14. December at 9:30, 1230 complex, the coffee room


The IT department sets new requirements for PCs and mac, which are on the network from 1.1.2018

Due to a number of updates and security issues, there are various initiatives regarding IT. First and foremost, you can not log in to the domain / network in the near future using the four letters that make up one's username. On the other hand, you have to set up your computer to log in using AU ID. Anyone who logs "wrong" should have received an email. Similarly, old versions of Windows will be phased out, and only Windows 10 will have access to the Internet. However, the older Windows 7 version could be installed on an intranet, so PCs may use a network (for about 3-4 years). The individual research groups who have expensive software on older PCs should contact the IT department for advice on possibilities.


Rector at department visit

Brian Bech Nielsen met at the beginning of October with the staff at the Department. You can read more about what was discussed at the meeting here: http://biomed.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/#news-11630 


New funding from the NovoNordic Foundation for Biomedical Research

General about the research leader program: http://novonordiskfonden.dk/en/content/novo-nordisk-foundations-research-leader-programme

Hallas-Møller Emerging Investigator: http://novonordiskfonden.dk/en/content/hallas-moeller-emerging-investigator

Hallas-Møller Ascending Investigator: http://novonordiskfonden.dk/en/content/hallas-moeller-ascending-investigator

Distinguished Investigator: http://novonordiskfonden.dk/en/content/distinguished-investigator


A technician position open at the Department of Clinical Medicine

More info: http://www.au.dk/om/stillinger/teknisk-administrative-stillinger/stillinger/Vacancy/show/938271/6588/


Elections to the Occupational Environment Organization at the Department

Ordinary elections to the department's AMO are held following this overall schedule:

December 6th - 8. January: Nomination period for candidates

11th-26th January: Election

January 3rd-2. February: Appointment to the organization

We hope all employees will support the election and that in all areas the required number of representatives can be found. The department prioritizes having a well-functioning working environment organization that is important to our everybody's well-being and security. The election will be discussed at the house meetings, but more information about the work as a working environment representative and the forthcoming election can also be found here: http://medarbejdere.au.dk/administration/hr/arbejdsmiljoe/


Possibilities to sell excess equipment, inventory etc. in connection with the moving processes

We have asked the Economy Center about the rules for selling apparatus and the like in connection with forthcoming relocations. This can be done, but there are procedures to be followed. Employees wanting to sell equipment should therefore contact Anni Mandrup Høeg at annimh@biomed.au.dk when considering sales. All sales will have to be approved by the head of department.


Yours sincerely


Thomas G. Jensen

Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups, Health, Department of Biomedicine, Department of Biomedicine