IT maintenance work will affect AU’s IT systems and services and cause interruptions at different times during the weekend of 20 and 21 May 2017. The IT maintenance work will, for example, affect access to (Self-service) and Blackboard.
2017.05.05 |
AU IT and AU Finance and Estates Project Development will carry out maintenance work from Saturday 20 May at 00:01 to Sunday 21 May at 23:59. The work is necessary in order to ensure a high level of operational stability and IT security for AU staff and students.
Throughout the weekend, it will be possible to use AV equipment locally in lecture theatres/classrooms, and work locally on computers – i.e. without being connected to central IT systems, shared drives, the video centre, AU’s network or the internet.
In relation to this maintenance work, a special agreement has been made concerning The Matchpoints Seminar 2017 to ensure that the Matchpoints Seminar can take place as planned on these dates.
The following services will be affected (this does not apply to The Matchpoints Seminar)
In general, it will be possible to use the IT services which are not mentioned below, but short-term interruptions may occur:
Follow the work
From 5 May, a detailed plan of the maintenance work is available at This plan is dynamic, and you can also follow the planned work and see the current status.
In addition, you can follow the progress of the work on Twitter @AUITdrift.
Additional information will be provided locally for Emdrup Campus.
If you have any questions, please send an email to
Reminder: Remember that it is not possible to access files on personal or shared drives this weekend from Saturday 6 May at 8:00 to Sunday 7 May at 8:00. (See previous news)