Three health science researchers from Aarhus University have just received a grant for a project in Rwanda. The project will examine the supervision of staff at healthcare centres in the African country.
2014.08.18 |
How are healthcare centres supervised? And is there a positive effect for the staff and patients if a medical doctor is part of the supervision team? These are some of the questions a research group from Aarhus University want to answer when they travel to Rwanda on a field study, where they will collaborate with researchers from the University of Rwanda.
In 2012 the researchers received DKK one million towards the project and they have now been given an additional grant of DKK 595,000 from Karen Elise Jensen’s Foundation.
Like many African countries, Rwanda has an enormous healthcare burden and very few resources in the primary healthcare sector to prevent and treat disease. The majority of the population live in rural areas that lack healthcare professionals.
"Our research can be used in order to suggest how the support for the busy, nursing-manned healthcare centres in Rwanda can be strengthened to improve patient care. And it may also be relevant for neighbouring countries," says PhD student Michael Schriver.
The research group also comprises Vincent Cubaka and Ditte Andreasen, while Per Kallestrup is the supervisor.
PhD student Michael Schriver
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health