Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Grant will help generate knowledge about living with rare handicaps

A Nordic research group with professor and consultant doctor Bjarne Møller-Madsen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital is receiving a million-kroner grant towards research into the experience of living with a rare handicap.

2017.04.20 | Henriette Stevnhøj

Professor Bjarne Møller-Madsen receives a million-kroner grant.

What significance does it have for a person to be born with a rare and complex handicap? How does this affect their family, and what significance does it have in a societal perspective? This is the starting point for the Nordic research project 'Living life with cerebral palsy in the Nordic countries', that has Bjarne Møller-Madsen, professor and consultant in paediatric orthopaedics from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital, leading the Danish part of the project.

The project will now receive ten million Norwegian kroner from Nordforsk, an organisation under the Nordic Council of Ministers. The grant will support the interdisciplinary research being carried out via the use of registry data. The goal is to create better living conditions for children who are born with rare handicaps and who thus face difficult odds.



Professor, MD, DMSc MD, DMSc Bjarne Møller-Madsen
Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University and Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital, www.dpor.dk
Mobile: (+45) 20 40 80 25
Email: bmm@clin.au.dk

Grants and awards, Department of Clinical Medicine, Health, Public/Media, PhD students, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Academic staff