Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Independent Research Fund Denmark awards millions to AU researchers

This week, the IRFD announced that a total DKK 176 million will be granted to 55 researchers at Aarhus University.

2021.05.25 | Anders Hylander

[Translate to English:] DFF har med uddelingen blandt andet støttet forskning i grøn omstilling. Foto: Lars Kruse, AU Foto


55 researchers at Aarhus University have received grants totalling DKK 176 million from Independent Research Fund Denmark (IRFD). The grants are part of the fund's "DFF-Forskningsprojekt1" and "DFF-Forskningsprojekt2" programmes, which support some of the most promising and original ideas in all disciplines.

IRFD is pleased with the high quality of the applications to the programmes. In connection with the grants, board chair Maja Horst said:

"The purpose of this instrument is to promote quality and develop collaboration in Danish research. This year, we received more applications that address the green transition and the challenges it brings with it, but the overall and recurring trend was for projects that create links to different forms of community: not only across research groups, but also in daily life, to companies, citizens and all the way up to the political level."

IRFD has awarded a total of DKK 668 million to 191 research projects all of Denmark through the programmes DFF-Forskningsprojekt1 and DFF-Forskningsprojekt2.

The 55 researchers who have received a grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark at AU are from all five faculties at the university.

Read more:

Aarhus BSS:

Faculty of Health:

Faculty of Natural Sciences:

Faculty of Technical Sciecnes:

This article is based on the IRFD press release.

Grants and awards, Research, All groups, All AU units, Aarhus University, Research, Talent development