On behalf of the eight Danish universities, the Royal Danish Library will start negotiations on a new license with Elsevier in autumn 2020.
2020.11.03 |
The eight Danish universities have a licensing agreement with the publisher Elsevier on reading access to around 2,300 journals as well as a number of central databases and tools. The current agreement expires in 2020.
This is why the Royal Danish Library will start negotiations on a new license with Elsevier in autumn 2020 on behalf of the eight Danish universities. The current license with Elsevier, which accounts for approx. one third of total Danish spending on access to research publications, costs around DKK 80 million a year.
In collaboration with the Royal Danish Library, Universities Denmark have issued a joint mandate for the negotiations. The mandate includes stricter requirements for the agreement. This will, among other things, ensure that Danish researchers in the future have immediate access to their own research publications through Open Access publishing without additional fees. It is also a requirement for the negotiations that the previous price increases are not allowed to continue.