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The DHL Relay Race – a cosy evening with your colleagues

Registration deadline for this year’s DHL Relay Race is 4 May. Rector Brian Bech Nielsen hopes that many employees will take this opportunity to meet in the beautiful, green surroundings for a run or walk and some pleasant time together afterwards.

2018.04.24 | Louise Asmund-Hjorth

Photo: Maria Randima

Several evenings each year in August, Mindeparken in Aarhus, Fælledparken in Copenhagen and Engen i Fruens Bøge in Odense are transformed into folk festivals when thousands meet for a 5x5 km relay race or a 5 km walk. Aarhus University is once again participating in the DHL relay race and walk in the three cities: 

  • Odense: Thursday 16 August
  • Aarhus: Thursday 23 August
  • Copenhagen: Thursday 30 August

Register for the DHL Relay Race here (in Danish) 

Good company and friendly competition

The DHL Relay Race is for everyone, regardless of whether you are an experienced runner, a casual jogger or prefer a brisk walk. For some, the DHL is about beating your own record – or the rival from the office next door. For others, the attraction lies in the green forest, the enjoyable company and the great atmosphere in AU’s tent, where the university will serve chili con carne and cold beverages.

Brian Bech Nielsen participated in the DHL Relay Race 5 km run for the first time shortly after he was appointed rector in 2013:

“My time was nothing to boast of – but the great atmosphere in the AU camp was. The DHL is a good opportunity to spend time with your closest colleagues and meet colleagues from other parts of the university. I hope that many of you will take this opportunity to participate in some friendly competition and socialising in an informal setting.” 

How to register

Only teams can register. Each team must have five members and sign up in one of the following categories: Relay race – women, relay race – men, relay race – mixed and walk. The distance is 5 km for all categories. For all of the relay races, the five members of each team take turns running the 5 km. The teams of walkers will walk the 5 km together.

Read more about AU’s participation in the DHL Relay Race and register your teams here


More than 5,000 public and private companies come together for the annual DHL Relay Race, and the event has been nicknamed ‘the world’s biggest office party’ with over than 200,000 participants. In addition to Aarhus, Copenhagen and Odense, the DHL will also take place in Aalborg and different locations in Southern Jutland between 14-30 August 2018.

Read more about the DHL Relay Race (in Danish)

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