Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

CANCELLED: Drop-in writing cafe supports researchers in their writing process

The Research Support Office will open the first writing cafe on 2 September, providing researchers from Health with the peace and quiet and advice needed to write their funding applications.

2020.07.28 | Henriette Stevnhøj

Due to COVID-19, the writing cafe on 2 September has been cancelled. The Research Support Office


Is the deadline for a funding application coming up and are you finding it hard to translate your great ideas into a reasoned and convincing application? Then look no further than the Research Support Office’s writing cafe, a writing haven where you can bring your good ideas and your computer. Here you will find two advisers from the Research Support Office waiting to answer your questions about e.g. interpreting a foundation’s assessment criteria, or about specific formulations, drawing up a budget or searching a research funding database.

The informal form – where you just turn up without a reservation – is inspired by the popular homework cafes in the Danish schools. Anne Birgitte Lindgren, who is an adviser at the Research Support Office, explains.

"We want to create a forum where the researchers can concentrate on the writing process. You need to be able to really concentrate on immersing yourself in an application, and that can be difficult in the office, where many other tasks need your attention. At the writing cafe, all you have to concentrate on is your application. Moreover, there’s also a helping hand for different parts of the application," says Anne Birgitte Lindgren.

The writing cafe is intended for researchers who already have a project and know which foundation they are applying to. This means that the writing cafe is not the place to find help with a financing strategy or an individual bibliometric analysis. These services are tailored to the individual researcher and are provided by the Research Support Office.

The first writing cafe – Time to Write – opens on Wednesday 2 September 13:00-17:00 in the Victor Albeck Building (1265), room 238. There will be free refreshments with tea, coffee, water and snacks.

The autumn Time to Write cafes:

  • 7 October 13:00-17:00 at Palle Juul Jensens Boulevard, room G304-127, Entrance G, G303
  • 4 November 13:00-17:00 in the Viktor Albeck Building, room 1265-238
  • 2 December 13:00-17:00 at Palle Juul Jensens Boulevard, room G304-127, Entrance G, G303


Adviser Anne Birgitte Lindgren
The Research Support Office
Mobile: (+45) 3058 7939
Email: abli@au.dk

Events, Health and disease, Academic staff, Health, Health, Technical / administrative staff, PhD students