Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Else Marie Damsgaard honoured for life-long gerontology research

Professor, Department Chair Else Marie Damsgaard receives the Velux Foundation's honorary award for her research into ageing and for her long-standing commitment to the field of geriatrics.

2021.11.16 | Lise Wendel Eriksen

The honorary award from the Velux Foundation includes DKK 50,000 to Professor, Department Chair Else Marie Damsgaard. Photo: Thomas Frandsen / Velux Foundation

As the author of more than 150 scientific articles in international journals, Else Marie Damsgaard from the Department of Clinical Medicine has succeeded in developing her field, increasing awareness of geriatrics and turning complex knowledge into practice.

She has also done this in her work as head consultant at Aarhus University Hospital – Geriatrics, where she has utilised her colleagues' competences to bring together relevant specialised groups around the patients and has played a key role in rethinking geriatrics throughout Jutland.

The Velux Foundation gives its honorary award of DKK 50,000 to Else Marie Damsgaard on the basis of her commitment and long-standing contribution to gerontology research.

Professor, Department Chair Else Marie Damsgaard
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital – Geriatrics
Email: else.marie.damsgaard@clin.au.dk

This coverage is based on press material from The Velux Foundation

Grants and awards, Research, Academic staff, Health, Health, Health and disease, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Clinical Medicine, Public/Media