Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Is your PURE profile up to date?

If someone Googles your name, the first search result will typically be your personal profile in PURE. It is therefore important that the information on your PURE profile is correct and that your picture is a good likeness.

2017.05.04 | Sabina Bjerre Hansen

If your master data (title, unit and contact information) on your PURE profile is inadequate or outdated, you can contact your local personal data editor and get help to enter the new information in the system.

In 2017, Health is focusing on updating the PURE profiles at the faculty. At present, the information in far too many PURE profiles appears to be inadequate and occasionally sometimes actually misleading. In addition, profile photos have very varying styles with random private photos or photos that are so old as to make the employee in question unrecognisable.

Contact your personal data editor

If your master data (title, unit and contact information) on your PURE profile is inadequate or outdated, you can contact your local personal data editor and get help to enter the new information in the system. You can always ask your secretariat if you are unsure about who your personal data editor is.

Drop-in for staff photography

If you need a new photo for PURE, you can come to a staff photography session on the first Tuesday of each month. It takes place in the Information Centre in building 1445, room 3.31. The photography takes place between 10:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 14:00. You do not need to book a time. You can find more information about staff photos on AU's staff page.

Why is the update necessary?

The PURE profiles are the public image of the faculty, departments and the individual employee, as well as their internal image. It is therefore important that the PURE profiles are up to date, and that they have a uniform and recognisable look.

If you have any questions or need help with PURE, please contact PURE Support.

Read more about the editing of personal data on AU's staff page.

Administrative, PhD students, Department of Biomedicine, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Public Health, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Dentistry, Department of Forensic Medicine