Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Realise your potential

Welcome to a new academic year at Aarhus University.

2016.09.06 | Brian Bech Nielsen

[Translate to English:] Brian Bech Nielsen

[Translate to English:] Rektor Brian Bech Nielsen opfordrer de studerende til at folde potentialet ud.

Dear students,

Autumn has arrived, and a new academic year has begun. Although the leaves will soon be falling, this season is the university’s spring, the blooming of a new season of inquiry and learning. Once again, our campuses are buzzing with life. And so I’d like to extend a particularly warm welcome to the 7,000 or so new bright minds who have just embarked on their careers as Aarhus University students. I hope you feel welcome!

We place an extremely high priority on the well-being of our students. And we do our best to promote it by ensuring a high academic standard in teaching, a good study environment with room for social and academic development, access to high-quality academic guidance and tools which help make your studies easier – even when they’re difficult!

As a university, our most important responsibility is educating highly qualified graduates for the benefit of society. And this is you! On the other hand, your most important responsibility is to hold on to your dreams and to make the most of your time here – to realise your potential. So dear students, chart your course by the stars of reflection, curiosity, independence and diligence. And the compass will show you the right path.

I wish new and returning students a great start to a great year.

Rector Brian Bech Nielsen, rector

Policy and strategy, Administration (Academic), Students, External target group, Administration