Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Research communication on the curriculum

Increasing demand for courses in research communication, media training and press relations has led to the graduate school expanding its course catalogue. The aim is to prepare the PhD students to communicate their research to a wider audience.

2016.12.22 | Ulla Krag Jespersen

In the future, PhD students at Health will be able to take an expanded “communication driving licence”. Because from the spring, the graduate school will experiment with an expansion of its course catalogue by adding three short communication courses.

The courses are different, but all three basically deal with how to communicate research to a wide audience in a credible and engaging manner.

The communication driving licence, as it is known, has just been approved by the faculty management team. It will consist of three one-day courses, each with its own focus: 

  • Learn to communicate your PhD project to the media
  • Media and television training
  • Video abstract 

On the "Learn to communicate your PhD project to the media" course, participants are introduced to basic communicative tools and tips and tricks; they insights into journalistic working methods; the researcher's own role and rights; and they draw up a plan for the dissemination of each individual PhD project.

The media training course is an introduction to how researchers can communicate their research in the media. The course is based on the participants' individual research, and participants receive training in how to communicate orally, in writing and in front of a camera.

The video abstract course provides training in recording and editing a video abstract for journals.

The courses have been put together by Health Communication in consultation with the management of the graduate school and the PhD committee.

The courses will be advertised in the coming course calendar, which will be published on the graduate school's website PhD in the spring of 2017. The courses may be taken together or separately.


Communication Officer Lise Wendel Eriksen
Aarhus University, Health Kommunikation
Phone: 29 93 86 16
E-mail: lwe@au.dk





Talent development, PhD students, Graduate School of Health, Health, Education, Technical / administrative staff, Health, Administrative, Academic staff