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Have you got PhD X Factor?

If you have submitted and received approval for your PhD in 2016 - and if you can communicate clearly and concisely – then you can register for the PhD Cup 2017.

2017.01.25 | Henriette Stevnhøj

Do you want to follow in Eva Greibe's footsteps and win the PhD Cup? You can, if you have submitted your PhD in 2016, and if you are good at communicating your research. The deadline for registration is 6 February. The photo shows Eva Greibe receiving the award from then Minister Sofie Carsten Nielsen. Photo: DR

In 2014, Eva Greibe, a PhD from the Department of Clinical Medicine, won the PhD Cup with her research into the lack of vitamin B12 in breast milk. The following year, Morten Würtz, who was also a PhD graduate from the Department of Clinical Medicine, was one of the eight finalists with his research on weaknesses in treatment with aspirin. What connects Greibe and Würtz – and the other participants in the PhD Cup – is not just the sound research they have performed, but also that they are excellent communicators.

Registration for a new round of the PhD Cup is now open. The competition culminates in a final show at the DR Koncerthuset in April. Before then the chosen finalists will complete a training programme at DR.

The PhD Cup is a collaboration between DR, the Lundbeck Foundation and the Danish newspaper Information. The goal is to disseminate the large volume of research being carried out by PhD students and to demonstrate that there is plenty of research communication talent at the Danish universities.

You can register for the PhD Cup here –deadline for registration is 6 February. 

Molecular biologist, postdoc Eva Greibe, who completed her PhD at the Department of Clinical Medicine in 2013, won the PhD Cup the year after. Here you can read about her research, the prize and what happened afterwards. 

Coverage of the PhD Cup 2014 in the Danish newspaper Information (in Danish). 

Medical doctor, PhD from the Department of Clinical Medicine, Morten Würtz, was one of the eight finalists in the PhD Cup in 2015. Read about Morten Würtz’ involvement in the PhD Cup here








Events, Health, Health and disease, Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine, Research, Graduate School of Health, Technical / administrative staff, PhD students, Department of Public Health