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Health intensifies its collaboration with Brazil

Expectations are high before next week’s meeting between researchers from Health and prominent researchers from the University of São Paulo in Brazil when it comes to new partnerships and exchange agreements.

2017.08.10 | Ulla Krag Jespersen

Health welcomes prominent researchers from the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil, when the faculty hosts its big matchmaking seminar.

Health welcomes prominent researchers from the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil, when the faculty hosts its big matchmaking seminar.

People meet and new research partnerships arise. This is the hope for Health's big matchmaking seminar which will be held on 17-18 August at the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS).

The guests are prominent researchers from the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil within the fields of haematology, odontology, inflammation, pharmacology and neuroscience. Health already has partnership agreements with the Brazilian university in a number of areas. USP is a very large university with a high ranking and several campuses with different medical, odontological and pharmacological faculties.

Interested parties can participate by contacting either the speaker in the relevant field of study or directly contacting Adviser Tanja Hansen in the faculty secretariat at tanja.hansen@au.dk

Read the programme (opens in PDF).

Events, Administration (Academic), Academic staff, Graduate School of Health, Health, Research, Health and disease, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Biomedicine, PhD students