Falling revenues from the degree programmes, a lower overhead and financial challenges at the departments mean that Health can risk ending 2017 with a deficit of around DKK 16 million.
2017.06.01 |
If the financial forecasts prove correct, Health must anticipate a loss in 2017 of DKK 16.3 million, which stands in sharp contrast to the positive result of just over DKK 10 million which the faculty budgeted with last year.
The explanation should be in particular found in the educational area, where the study progress reform has come into effect in earnest, with lower completion bonus rates and a larger study progress reform fine. The students from medicine and sport science are particularly prominent in the accounts, as they do not complete their studies within the prescribed period. In total, the Finance Act grants to the faculty therefore fell by DKK 13 million in 2017 alone.
Expectations for attracting external funding have also been lowered in the accounts by DKK 21, while revenues from overhead are now expected to be DKK 3 million less.
Finally, the departments also face financial challenges. Many departments are expecting a deficit and intensive work is therefore being done to cover these and to demonstrate budgetary restraint.
The strong focus on costs means that it is still too early to say whether the bottom line will be a minus of DKK 16 million at the end of the year as forecast, in particular because there is great uncertainty about this autumn's revenues for educational activities. If more students than expected complete their studies within the prescribed period, then the picture may still change.