Everyone is welcome to attend Health's Education Fair on 13 December 2018. The day will feature presentations by students and experts that are intended to provide inspiration for how we can create better transitions to the university for both Bachelor’s and Master's degree students.
2018.10.04 |
The theme for Health's Education Fair is first year didactics and pedagogics during the very first semesters. Photo: AU Foto
This year sees Vice-dean for Education Charlotte Ringsted directing focus towards how Aarhus University can be better at retaining students during the first semesters.
"For many years we’ve focused on the students and their background and adjusted admission formats and minimum academic requirements. Now it's time to look inwards and take a critical look at how we meet the new students during the first semesters of our degree programmes," says Charlotte Ringsted.
The theme for the Education Fair is First year didactics and pedagogics in relation to retention (only in Danish), and the day will e.g. focus on how the structure, form, content and methodology of the study programmes influence the new university students and their motivation, learning and progression.
See the programme and register for Health's Education Fair (only in Danish).
Degree programmes should be designed in relation to the students’ experience
The keynote speaker at the Education Fair will be Professor Jeroen Van Merrienboer from Maastricht University. He has spent many years engaged in research into cognitive load theories and will use his presentation to talk about the theoretical aspects of how to design degree programmes so they match the level of experience that the students have.
The Education Fair will also include presentations by new university students who will talk about how beginning an AU degree programme feels.
"We must listen to the people that it’s all about. Giving the students the opportunity to tell us in their own words how they experience the transition to the university therefore has high priority," says Charlotte Ringsted. She also emphasises that it is important to know how the degree programmes which the students come from are structured pedagogically and didactically. For this reason, teachers from upper secondary schools and professional degree programmes have been invited to talk about their study programmes.
Practical information
Sign up for the Education Fair – deadline for registration is 4 December.
Health's Education Fair 2018
Date: Thursday 13 December 2018
Time: 12:00 - 16:00
Location: The Lakeside Lecture Theatres (Jeppe Vontillius Lecture Theatre), Aarhus University – see the location on the map.
Studies Administrator Anne Svendsen
HE Administrative Centre – Course and Exam Administration
Mobile: (+45) 8716 7618
Adviser Hanne Johansen
Aarhus University, HE Administrative Centre - Dean’s Office
Mobile: (+45) 6126 9808