Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Since the summer holiday, the AU Switchboard team has been able to view the Outlook calendars of AU staff when taking external calls for members of staff.

2016.10.20 | Marie Lærke Justesen

Photo: Jesper Rais, Aarhus University (jesperrais@au.dk)

This makes it possible for the AU Switchboard team e.g. to inform the caller that you are in a meeting and when you will be available again.

In order to help AU Switchboard provide the best possible service, please remember to keep your Outlook calendar updated with any meetings, courses, holiday etc. It would also be a great help if you use the task function in Outlook instead of booking a full day in your calendar if you are working on a specific task, but can be contacted.

The AU Switchboard team can only see headlines, times and dates in your Outlook calendar and not notes or attached files for individual appointments.


Administrative, All groups, All AU units, Administration