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Remember to register your publications in PURE

2017 is coming to an end and it is important to note that your publications need to be registered in PURE on time. AU Library, Health invites you to a local network meeting about deadlines and other practical information. At the meeting, you will receive guidance on reporting and have the chance to ask questions.

2017.11.30 | Signe Schou


There are two deadlines in connection with reporting:

  • Registration: 15 January 2018: This is when all publications with 2017 as year of publication must be registered in PURE. 
  • Validation: 1 March 2018: This is when validation must be completed for all publications with 2017 as year of publication.

These deadlines are set to meet:

1. Reporting of data from PURE for AU's key figures at the beginning of March 2018.

2. BFI harvesting on 15 June 2018. Publications reported after 15 June 2018 will not be included in the BFI.

Do you register your publications in PURE?

Up until the deadline for registration on 15 January you should be particularly aware of the following:

  • Are all your publications reported?
  • Have any of your publications changed publication status since you registered them?
  • Is the categorisation of your publications in relation to type of publication ('Research', 'Consultancy', 'Communication' and 'Teaching') and the peer review entry correct?

Do you validate your publications in PURE?

AU Library has prepared a validation checklist. AU Library will also hold a validator workshop on 24 January. At the workshop, PURE superusers from AU Library will be present and you will be able to bring your own PC and validate or get answers to your questions about validation.

BFI (Bibliometric Research Indicators)

On 15 June, AU's publications are harvested to BFI. BFI is used to distribute some of the new basic research funding to the universities, and timely submission of the university's publications is therefore important. You can read more about BFI on the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education’s website.

Open Access

At the beginning of March 2018, AU’s publications are harvested to the Danish OA barometer. In 2018, publications published in 2016 will be harvested.  Before the harvest to the OA Barometer, as a researcher you must be particularly aware of the Open Access status of your publications from 2016. If you are in doubt about how you should deal with Open Access, please contact your contact person at AU Library. You can read more about Open Access here.

BFI and OA information meetings

On 6 and 7 December, information meetings about BFI and OA will be held. The meetings will focus on the link between PURE and both BFI – including the criteria for awarding BFI credits to publications – and OA enrichment in Pure and the national OA barometer.

Four meetings will be held with three actual meetings in Aarhus and a web presentation:

  • Wednesday 6 December 09:00 - 10:30 at Fuglesangs Allé, 2636-U213
  • Wednesday 6 December 12:00 - 13:30 in the Nobel Park, 1485-218
  • Thursday 7 December 09:00 - 13:30 in the Nobel Park, 1485-218
  • Thursday 7 December 12:00 - 13.30 as a web presentation

Local network meetings at Health

AU Library, Health holds an annual network meeting based on relevant topics for registration and validation of publications at Health, as well as specific questions from the participants. This year the meeting will be held in mid-December. It is intended for editors and validators, but all interested employees are welcome.

Read more about the information meetings and sign up   

Administrative, PhD students, Department of Forensic Medicine, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Dentistry, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Public Health, Department of Biomedicine