Or if your colleague has a cardiac arrest? Probably not au.dk/en/emergencyresponse. But you can use this website to make sure that you are prepared if an emergency occurs.
2017.11.28 |
The AU emergency response website contains updated plans and facts about the emergency response at Aarhus University.
At au.dk/en/emergencyresponse, you can find all you need to know about the university-wide emergency response.
At au.dk/en/emergencyresponse, you can click ‘Employees’ or ‘Students and guests’ and read more about AU’s emergency response. The websites contain information about:
The website for employees also contains instructions which are only relevant for members of staff:
All AU employees should be familiar with the university-wide emergency response including the procedures for warnings, alarms and evacuation.
In addition, all employees who are part of the emergency management team must keep up-to-date regarding their own tasks in relation to handling emergencies at AU. Here you can see the key persons and staff groups who are part of the emergency management team.
The managers and the employee representatives in the occupational health and safety committees are responsible for reviewing the local emergency response procedures and for carrying out evacuation drills on an annual basis. The Faculty Occupational Health and Safety Committees (FAMU), the Administration Occupational Health and Safety Committee (AAMU) and the Main Occupational Health and Safety Committee (HAMU) are responsible for creating an overview of the emergency response initiatives and any incidents which may occur.
Very soon, elections to the occupational health and safety organisation at AU will be held. In order to ensure that the new occupational health and safety committees are well-prepared for the emergency response tasks, AU’s emergency response coordinator will hold a number of information meetings in April 2018.
AU’s emergency response coordinator, Anders Kragh Moestrup, is responsible for ensuring uniform emergency response initiatives across the university and for ensuring that AU’s emergency response is kept up-to-date. AU’s emergency response coordinator is part of AU Finance and Estates Project Development.
The management at AU holds the formal, overall responsibility for safety and emergency response at AU. The local managers are responsible for the emergency response in relation to the local unit.
If you have questions about the project or about au.dk/en/emergencyresponse, please contact project manager and emergency response coordinator Anders Kragh Moestrup.