Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Italian lung specialist appointed honorary professor at Aarhus University

Professor Venerino Poletti is internationally recognised for his research into respiratory diseases. On 1 December he will officially become an honorary professor at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital, where he will strengthen the field of respiratory medical research, education and treatment.

2020.12.02 | Lise Wendel Eriksen

Photo: Michael Harder

Venerino Poletti’s particular areas of scientific interest are lung diseases such as sarcoidosis and pulmonary fibrosis, and he also conducts research into different and less invasive methods to diagnose and treat lung diseases.

For example, Venerino Poletti has been involved in introducing and validating cryobiopsy, a minimal invasive procedure. A lung sample is taken from the lung without the patient having to undergo surgery. Cryobiopsies contribute to improved diagnostics of, among others, pulmonary fibrosis, so that more patients may receive a personalized treatment. At the same time, the method has reduced side effects and complications compared to more invasive approaches, improving the quality of life.

As honorary professor, Venerino Poletti will contribute to strengthening research, education and treatment of respiratory diseases at the university and the hospital in Aarhus. Venerino Poletti, who has his primary position at the Ospedale G. B. Morgangni in Forli in Northern Italy, has previously been clinical professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine and consultant at the Department of Respiratory Diseases. The honorary professorship means that he will be able to continue his collaboration with researchers, medical doctors and students.


Honorary Professor Venerino Poletti
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Respiratory Diseases
Mobile: +39 33 56 636 886 or +45 29 13 90 61
Email: venerino.poletti@gmail.com

People news, Health and disease, Academic staff, Health, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Clinical Medicine, Public/Media