Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Lundbeck Foundation grants DKK 187 million to new neuroscience academy

Health joins Copenhagen University, University of Southern Denmark, and Aalborg University in establishing the Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD). The aim of this decentralised academy for brain research is to promote talent development at Danish universities and pave the way for new research and breakthroughs within brain-related disorders.

2022.01.20 | Vibe Bregendahl Noordeloos

Lundbeck Foundation grants DKK 187 million to new super-study programme and growth dynamo in Danish neuroscience. Health joins Copenhagen University, Aalborg University and the University of Southern Denmark in establishing the Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD).

Disorders of the brain and the central nervous system represent a constant – and costly – threat to our welfare society and public health, and with an ageing population, the human and economic costs will only increase in future.

And while Denmark is keeping pace with international neuroscience research, additional funding and better study programmes are needed to attract more keen minds to the field and enable Denmark to take a more prominent position at the forefront of international neuroscience research in coming years.

The establishment of the Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD) puts Danish universities and Lundbeck Foundation a big step closer to that goal. NAD’s remit is to promote talent development and secure the future of Danish neuroscience. The vision is to educate the neuroscientists of the future by creating a unique learning, development and research environment at PhD level for younger scientists holding degrees in a range of neuro-related disciplines, including biology, chemistry, medicine, pharmacology, genetics and psychiatry.

‘It’s a dream come true to be able to offer an ambitious four-year programme that gives PhD students a world-class education in neuroscience research and the opportunity to work on projects that will increase their chances of understanding and treating brain disorders. These students will be trained at the best laboratories in Denmark, and we expect this to result in new collaborations across the country and between basic research and clinics. We’re very much looking forward to opening the doors and getting to know the new PhD students. We want to recruit the best of the best from Denmark and abroad – and make them even better,’ says Professor Jakob Balslev Sørensen, NAD Scientific Director from the University of Copenhagen.

Dean at The Faculty of Health at Aarhus University, Anne-Mette Hvas, believes the academy will pave the way for future leading neuroscientists.


“With the academy we increase the focus on talent development in neuroscience. A national academy across our universities where, among other things, future PhD students will be given a year to prepare, will not only strengthen current neuro-research but also sow the seeds for a strong next generation of neuroscientists,” says Anne-Mette Hvas.

Many years in the making, the neuroscience academy is the result of close collaboration between the Danish Society for Neuroscience, the University of Copenhagen (KU), Aarhus University (AU), Aalborg University (AAU), and the University of Southern Denmark (USD) – with special support from Lundbeck Foundation. As an advanced research school, this is the first academy of its kind in Denmark within neuroscience.

Stronger PhD programme

The new PhD programme will include a very wide selection of advanced courses within neuroscience – and, as a first in Denmark, it will begin with an introductory year before the start of the three-year PhD programme.

The experienced neuroscientists who will be teaching and providing guidance come from the four major Danish universities all of which will be making their best minds available to the programme. Furthermore, NAD will enter into collaboration agreements with a large number of distinguished neuroscientists from academic environments and treatment institutions outside Denmark. As part of these agreements, it will also be possible for the PhD students to study abroad and work in the laboratories of the international experts affiliated with NAD.

The four universities will share responsibility for NAD’s day-to-day operations through a joint secretariate to be located at the University of Copenhagen. NAD will have its own board, where the Danish Society for Neuroscience and Lundbeck Foundation will each be represented as observers with no voting rights.

Lundbeck Foundation has pledged to support NAD with a grant totalling DKK 187.3 million over the period 2022-2028 – paving the way for 48 PhD projects.

This coverage is based on press material from the Lundbeck Foundation.

About Lundbeck Foundation


The Lundbeck Foundation is a commercial foundation whose purpose is to strengthen brain health in Denmark and to develop the Danish business sector – among other things, as long-term owner of several healthcare enterprises, Falck, H. Lundbeck and ALK.  The foundation awards grants worth more than DKK 600 million to research at universities in Denmark – with a special focus on the brain.


Lundbeck Foundation
Jan Egebjerg, Director of Research, Lundbeck Foundation
Mail: je@lundbeckfonden.com

Jesper Sloth Møller, Media Relations Manager, Lundbeck Foundation
Mail: jsm@lundbeckfonden.com
Tel. +45 2233 8601

Dean Anne-Mette Hvas
Mail: dean.health@au.dk
Tel. +45 8715 2007

Grants and awards, Health and disease, Academic staff, Health, Health, Collaboration, Administration (Academic), PhD Head of Graduate Program, All AU units, Talent development