See ths year's summer greeting from the Dean – for the first time in keeping with these corona times, on Zoom. You can send questions in advance and follow live as Dean Lars Bo Nielsen wishes staff members a good summer on 18 June at 15:00.
2020.06.10 |
One of the things the corona crises has given us is the video conferencing platform Zoom – and now you can also get Dean Lars Bo Nielsen’s summer greeting direct on your screen via Zoom. Tune in on Thursday 18 June at 15:00.
The Dean will spend approx. 10 minutes on a “state-of-the-faculty” summary, with the following 20 minutes dedicated to questions from the audience. You can either send your questions in advance, or you can put your hand up in best dialogue-based video meeting style while the event is on screen.
As an employee at Health, you will receive a calendar invitation in Outlook with a link and a meeting ID for the stream. Check your spam filter if you have not received the email.
Zoom has room for 500 participants and everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions during the event. The talk will also be streamed at, although it will not be possible to interact with the event here.
If you have any questions, or if you wish to hear the Dean's comments on a topic, you are welcome to send them to no later than Tuesday 16 June at 12:00 midday. However, there is no guarantee that your particular question will be answered directly.