Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

More members of academic staff may now be examiners

The number of examiners at Health is being expanded. This is being done in order to meet the departments’ need for additional skilled members of academic staff to examine the students.

2013.12.19 | Sabina Bjerre Hansen

Revised guidelines on who can carry out teaching and examinations at Health will help to alleviate the challenges faced by the departments to find enough examiners. Photo: AU Communication.

Revised guidelines on who can carry out teaching and examinations at Health will help to alleviate the challenges faced by the departments to find enough examiners. Photo: AU Communication.

More types of academic staff can now examine the students. This means that e.g. postdocs can now, to a limited degree, carry out teaching and conduct examinations, providing the department head approves this and appoints an educational supervisor.

The departments have had difficulty in finding enough examiners for Health's different study programmes, due to the main academic area's restrictive policy on who may be allowed to conduct examinations at Health. The dean has therefore revised the guidelines.

We will still make high demands when it comes to quality

There will continue to be strict requirements for both teaching staff and examiners at Health. The students must receive research-based teaching. Teaching staff and examiners must have updated educational and didactic competencies. And the requirements for the quality of teaching are high.

”The revised regulations maintain the main academic area's high quality standards in this area. At the same time, this expansion of the number of teaching staff and examiners provides better opportunities to match our multi-faceted teaching and exam situation,” says Vice-Dean for Education Berit Eika.

”The department head is responsible for ensuring that teaching staff and examiners are brought up to date academically. And it is important that we at Health are still able to document that we deliver research-based teaching. Not least in relation to the coming institutional accreditation,” says Berit Eika.

Read more about the new guidelines in the memo ”Who may teach and conduct exams at Health?” (PDF, in Danish), and find more information for teaching staff and examiners on Health's internal website.

Administrative, PhD students, Health, Administrative, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Academic staff