Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Newsletter 92 January 2019

Dear all   Please find the first newsletter of the new year:

2019.01.30 | Thomas G. Jensen

Priorities in 2019

Now, at the beginning of the year, it is a good time to look ahead and assess what is more important. For the Department as a whole, it will, among other things be:

• That we have a successful move into the Skou building.

• That we make the new research themes thrive.

• That we recruit new employees and develop our own employees in order to strengthen research and teaching.

• That we reach our goal concerning the bachelor part of the Medical education.


The name of the research theme 'Noncommunicable Diseases' is changed to 'Membranes'

As coordinator of the theme, Rob Fenton has decided to rename it 'Membranes', in response to the requests from a number of academic staff members.


Moving plans

The expectation is still that the move into the Skou building will commence 1 March, and that it will be the 1170-groups and 1160-groups that will be the first to move into the building. The affected groups will be informed individually about who moves when (which week). An office allocation plan has been prepared as well as an allocation plan for fridge/freezer capacity, which will also be sent to the groups moving in March. The time frame for the move of the Bartholin groups are unchanged, i.e. at the earliest in April/May.


Financial support to the use of ‘scientific writers' who can help write applications

The Department has a list of companies which for payment helps to qualify applications for funding. The new offer includes both linguistic input and feedback in relation to the academic content. If you wish to make use of the offer you can do so by making an agreement with me where you create an early submission of draft applications.


The Department has a new member of the Danish Council of Ethics                                                

Professor Jacob Giehm Mikkelsen has been asked to enter the Danish Council of Ethics. This makes a lot of sense when you look at current issues such as genome studies and designer children - and the use of CRISPR on Chinese human embryos as the most recent example. Read more here  http://health.au.dk/en/#news-14895 and congratulations to Jacob on the appointment.


News about academic positions

Interviews have been held concerning the following positions - two-year assistant professor with teaching in physiology and the tenure track position with teaching in pharmacology. In a strong field of applicants, several candidates recommended for appointment have been found. Names will be disclosed as soon as the contracts of employment are completed.  


The next application deadline for funding for travel (academic staff) and courses (technical/administrative staff) is 1st of February

Rules and application forms can be found on the staff page.

Courses (technical/administrative staff): http://biomed.medarbejdere.au.dk/personaleforhold/efter-og-videreuddannelse/tap-kurser-ansoegningsskema-regler-for-stoette/

Travel (academic staff): http://biomed.medarbejdere.au.dk/oekonomi-og-rejser/rejseansoegninger-og-rejseafregning/

Please direct questions, if any, to Anni Høeg at annimh@biomed.au.dk


Cultural training

IAS (formerly International Office) is now offering cultural training for new international employees (and their partners) at AU.

The training takes place two mornings with one month apart. You can read more about it here, where you can also sign up: ias.au.dk/uic/show/artikel/cultural-training-living-and-working-in-denmark-1/


Help us learn about our Danish course providers

Our two Danish course providers are to be evaluated, and in this connection, we need your help to get in touch with foreign employees and accompanying partners who have participated in the Danish lessons at AU. Read more and sign up here: http://ias.au.dk/adm/nyheder-og-kalender/vis/artikel/hjaelp-os-med-at-evaluere-vores-dansktilbud/


Applications for The Young Academy  

The purpose of the Academy is to create a nationwide, cross- and basic scientific forum where debates will be discussed on the basis of one’s own discipline. In addition to strengthen young researchers' networks and knowledge of other fields that may shed new light on one’s own field of research. The application deadline is Monday 25 February 2019. Read the entire notice and detailed information about the application procedure on The Young Academy’s website: http://www.youngacademy.dk/da/Om%20Det%20Unge%20Akademi/Optagelse.aspx


Candidates for Marie Curie Fellowships

Again this year, a three-day Master class will be held at Aarhus University from 14 to 16 May 2019. Application deadline: 1/3-2019. More information: http://health.au.dk/en/about-health/vacant-positions/marie-curie-fellowships/


L’ORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science-awards

The application deadline is 25 February 2019. Application form: https://royalacademy.formstack.com/forms/untitled_form_24


Applications for Innovation Fund Denmark about the Grand solutions programme

Application deadline 19 February. More information:



The innovative Medicines Initiative - IMI call 17- supports research in Diabetes/Metabolic disorders

Preliminary application deadline 25 April 2019



Minutes of the meeting of the academic council 22/11



Minutes of the meeting of the faculty collaboration committee FSU 29/11


Minutes of the meeting in the Department Forum December 19 2018



Best regards

Thomas G. Jensen

Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups, Department of Biomedicine, Department of Biomedicine