Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Health shows its appreciation of its lecturers

From 2018, the faculty’s most talented lecturers will be acknowledged with a number of newly established teaching awards. In addition to being honoured, the award winners will also receive a small financial pat on the back.

2017.12.14 | Lise Wendel Eriksen

From 2018, the faculty's six best lecturers will be recognised with a newly established award. Photo: Colourbox

In recognition of the great efforts made by the faculty's lecturers, the dean has decided that awards will be presented to the best lecturers at Health from 2018. The faculty has set aside DKK 30,000 for this purpose. There are six awards in total – one teaching award per board of study.

Each board of study will individually decide the procedure for selecting the winner, which forum the award should be presented in, and how the award and the DKK 5,000 which follows with it should be handled in cases where one board of study covers a number of degree programmes.

However, it is an absolute requirement that the students themselves are the ones who decide which lecturer from the respective degree programmes should be honoured with the title of 'Lecturer of the year'.


Vice-dean for Education Charlotte Ringsted
Aarhus University, Health
Mobile: (+45) 9350 8222
Email: charlotte.ringsted@au.dk

Education, Administration (Academic), Academic staff, Health, Health, Grants and awards, Technical / administrative staff