Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

A new and simpler workplace assessment in 2019

The senior management team has decided to test a new and simpler model for the workplace assessment (WPA) which takes place every three years, the next time in spring 2019. For the new WPA, employees will have to assess both the physical and the psychological workplaces at the same time.

2017.09.05 | Louise Asmund-Hjorth

Aarhus University carries out a workplace assessment (WPA) every third year. A WPA helps us to increase well-being and create a better work environment. The WPA also supports management and employees in their work to improve the work environment on a daily basis.

The most recent workplace assessment was carried out in 2016. The senior management team has decided to test a new and simpler WPA model in the spring of 2019. This new model covers the physical as well as the psychological WPA at the same time. Among other things, the senior management team has taken the feedback from the WPA 2016 into account and considered the best way of involving the occupational health and safety committees and the liaison committees in the WPA follow-up process.

A WPA advisory group has been appointed. This group is a working group which represents and makes decisions on behalf of the Main Occupational Health and Safety Committee (HAMU) and the Main Liaison Committee (HSU). The WPA advisory group will start by choosing a supplier to carry out the questionnaire survey. The group will then compose the WPA questionnaires.

In the near future, the framework for the survey and subsequent follow-up will be discussed in detail by AU’s WPA advisory group and at a joint HAMU-HSU meeting on 9 November 2017.

Read more about the WPA


Administrative, Administration (Academic), Technical / administrative staff, All AU units, Aarhus University, PhD students, Health, Academic staff