Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

New plans for the relocation of the Department of Biomedicine

The Department of Biomedicine has adjusted its plans for relocation in connection with the move to the Skou Building in the autumn of 2018. The biochemistry building on Ole Worms Allé will be handed over to Science and Technology before time, and in 2021 the department will also move out of the research wing in the anatomy complex on Wilhelm Meyers Allé.

2018.01.25 | Mette Louise Ohana

The first employees will move during the autumn of 2018 – some of them to temporary workplaces. According to plan, everyone will be in place in 2021.

The first employees will move during the autumn of 2018 – some of them to temporary workplaces. According to plan, everyone will be in place in 2021.

Once the new Skou Building on the corner of Vennelyst Boulevard and Høegh-Guldbergs Gade is ready for use in autumn 2018 (according to the plan), it will also signal the start of a large relocation process at the Department of Biomedicine. Employees are currently placed in six different buildings on Ole Worms Allé, Wilhelm Meyers Allé, Bartholins Allé and Vennelyst Boulevard. The original relocation plans have recently been altered due to financial considerations.

Biochemistry Building

The Biochemistry Building (building 1170) will be handed over to Science and Technology once the Skou Building is completed. This was originally planned to take place in 2021. Plans are now being prepared for where the employees from the building will work in future. 

Bartholin Building

The Bartholin Building will be vacated at the end of 2018 as planned, so that the renovation of the building can begin. In order to be able to house everyone during the renovation, the Skou Building and the Victor Albeck Building will have temporary residents until the Bartholin Building is again ready for use in 2021. 

Anatomy complex

However, the employees in the research wing at the anatomy complex (buildings 1233 and 1234) will remain in place a little longer than originally planned. Instead of moving temporarily to the Skou Building while the anatomy complex is being renovated, the renovation will now be abandoned and the buildings will instead be given to the university. The employees will instead move directly into the Skou Building in 2021. No decision has yet been made on what the research wing in the anatomy complex will be used for. 

Physiology and Biophysics buildings 

Finally, employees from the Physiology and Biophysics buildings (buildings 1160 and 1180) will move into the Skou Building in 2021.

When all the construction processes are completed, all Biomedicine employees will be gathered at two addresses – in the Skou Building and in the Bartholin Building, with around 250 and 200 people in each. In addition, some employees from Science and Technology will also be placed in the Skou Building.

With the handing over of the research wing in the anatomy complex, the department saves rental costs, which will otherwise increase due to the acquisition of the Skou Building. Precisely where employees will be placed is currently being finalised by the department management team in cooperation with the employees. 


Department Head Thomas G. Jensen
Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University
Mobile: (+45) 2778 2805
Mail: thomas@biomed.au.dk

Administrative, Administration (Academic), Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Health, PhD students, Students