Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

About Interacting Minds Centre

The Interacting Minds Centre for the Study of Cognition, Communication and Choice. Specific abilities for interaction are key to being human. Interactions affect our bodies, our minds, our brains and the world we live in. We are, however, only beginning to understand even the most basic mechanisms. Successful interaction is critical for cooperation, coordination and learning.

2014.06.19 | AU Kommunikation

When this fails, confusion and conflict abound. In many clinical disorders, interactions that otherwise seem automatic may be difficult or outright impossible.

The Interacting Minds Centre (IMC) provides a transdisciplinary platform to study human interaction. It involves researchers from the humanities, social sciences, cognitive sciences, biology and clinical research. This is necessary, because through interactions, humans construct worlds that are at once physical, economic, symbolic and normative. We will therefore study the interplay between three related topics: cognition, communication, and choice. Bringing these fields together to bridge topics related to human interaction makes IMC a unique methodological and theoretical centre of research and inquiry.

IMC is funded by Aarhus University 2012-16 as part of the interdisciplinary research initiative.

Research, All groups, All AU units, Aarhus University