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PhD defence: Lone Kirkeby

Surgery for trapeziometacarpal osteoartrititis - Risk and prognosis in relation to occupational hand force requirements

2020.09.21 | Graduate School of Health

Date Fri 09 Oct
Time 14:00 16:00
Location Online via Zoom or in Foredragssal 1-2, Entrance U, Regional Hospital of Holstebro, Laegaardvej 12, DK-7500 Holstebro

Friday 9 October at 14:00, Lone Kirkeby defends her PhD dissertation entitled “Surgery for trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis. Risk and prognosis in relation to occupational hand force requirements”.

Osteoarthritis of the basal joint of the thumb is a frequent disease. Pain from the joint may quickly lead to limitations in daily activities. In case of severe pain surgical treatment with removal of a small carpal bone or insertion of an artificial joint is possible. Little is known regarding occupational hand force requirements and the risk of osteoarthritis in the basal joint of the thumb. This study aims to examine whether higher occupational hand force requirements increases the risk of osteoarthritis. Further aims are to examine whether higher occupational hand force requirements makes returning to work after surgery more difficult and whether higher occupational hand force requirements decreases the durability of an artificial joint. 

The summary is written by the PhD student.  

The defence is public and will be held online via Zoom or in Foredragssal 1-2, Entrance U, Regional Hospital of Holstebro, Laegaardvej 12, DK-7500 Holstebro. Please read the attached press release for more information. 


PhD student Lone Kirkeby

Mail: lonekirk@rm.dk

Tel.: (+45) 26391347

Read full press release

PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health, Graduate School of Health, PhD students, Department of Clinical Medicine, Academic staff, Health