Fewer women than men advance to the top of the research hierarchy, and this means that we lose research talent. What does it take to correct this imbalance? Four experts share their thoughts and ideas in the new season of the #DiversityAU podcast.
2021.07.06 |
Research talent does not depend on gender. So when there is a gender imbalance in top research, we miss out on talent, important knowledge and perhaps the next Nobel Prize. But it takes more than a quick fix to push the gender balance in the right direction. It requires knowledge of the structural and cultural obstacles driving the imbalance.
In a new season of the #DiversityAU podcast, four internationally acclaimed experts delve into the four focus areas of the university's action plan for gender equality: Workplace culture, recruitment, leadership and career development.
The experts present the latest knowledge about research within these four areas and come up with ideas for how managements and employees can work specifically and constructively to promote gender equality in research environments.
The four experts in the #DiversityAU podcast are:
Each episode lasts 15-20 minutes. All episodes are in English and were created and produced by Journalist Carsten Ortmann, known from the radio programme Supertanker at DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation) radio channel P1.
The aim of the podcast is to provide help and inspiration to promote gender equality and diversity at Aarhus University.
Keep updated at @Aarhusuni and use #diversityAU on Twitter