The Aarhus University Research Foundation awards prizes to five especially talented PhD graduates. On Thursday 4 June, five talented researchers each received DKK 50,000 in recognition of their research and research communication.
2020.06.09 |
The five PhD prize winners From left: Sarah Mygind (Arts), Ole Köhler-Forsberg (Health), Mikkel Slot Nielsen (NAT), Martin Thyrsgaard (Aarhus BSS) and Cecilie Hermansen (Tech). Photo: Anne Kring/graphics: Astrid Reitzel.
Five talented PhD graduates from Aarhus University – one from each faculty – received Aarhus University Research Foundation’s PhD prizes on Thursday 4 June.
The prize-winners are:
Cecilie Hermansen (agroecology, Tech), whose new methods of analysis have made it easier to assess the drinking water contamination risks associated with pesticide use on a specific piece of land. Read more about Cecilie Hermansen
Ole Köhler-Forsberg (medicine, Health), who has demonstrated that the immune system can be deeply involved in mental illness that anti-inflammatory drugs may help treat depression. Read more about Ole Köhler-Forsberg
Sarah Mygind (comparative literature, Arts), who has contributed substantially to the development of theory and concepts for the study of the impact of digitalisation on literature and reading. Read more about Sarah Mygind
Mikkel Slot Nielsen (mathematics, Nat), who has solved some significant problems in the understanding of time series – and helped Vestas assess the risks involved in extending the life cycle of their wind turbines. Read more about Mikkel Slot Nielsen
Martin Thyrsgaard (economics, Aarhus BSS), who has developed methods for more accurately studying financial markets and for better understanding how those markets are organised. Read more about Martin Thyrsgaard
The PhD prizes are usually presented at the same time as the Rigmor and Carl Holst-Knudsen Award for Scientific Research at an event in the end of May. This event was cancelled due to COVID-19. Instead, the Award for Scientific Research will be presented in connection with Aarhus University's annual celebration on 11 September.
Additional information: Henrik Dalgaard, Aarhus University Research Foundation:, 8715 3354/2382 3230
Facts about the PhD prizes