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Professor Sander Greenland to be awarded an honorary doctorate from Aarhus University

Aarhus University is awarding an honorary doctorate in health sciences to a researcher of the highest international standard. Professor Sander Greenland belongs to the very elite of researchers in the field of epidemiologic methods.

2013.09.25 | Helle Horskjær Hansen

[Translate to English:] Sander Greenland bliver udnævnt som æresdoktor ved Aarhus Universitet, Health i forbindelse med universitets årsfest den 13. september 2013. Dagen før årsfesten er professoren hovedtaler på et seminar med titlen: Er epidemiologi for svært for statistikere?

Sander Greenland will be appointed honorary doctor at Aarhus University, Health in connection with the university's annual celebration on 13 September, 2013. The day before the annual celebration, Professor Greenland will appear as keynote speaker at a seminar entitled: Is epidemiology too difficult for statisticians?

He has been a leading figure in the development of epidemiologic research methods. American Sander Greenland is a professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at Fielding School of Public Health, UCLA, Los Angeles.

And now, Professor Sander Greenland will receive an honorary doctorate from Aarhus University, Health in connection with the university’s annual celebration on 13 September, 2013.

His primary focus is on improving design, analysis and reporting within epidemiologic research and on how such research is used by legislators and policy-makers.

Professor Sander Greenland has published extensively on the subject and has co-authored some of the leading textbooks on epidemiology.

Even though he has a long career behind him and has repeatedly been recognised for his research, being appointed an honorary doctor at Aarhus University is something quite unique in his eyes.

The greatest honour of his career

"I am very proud. It is a great honour, in fact it is the greatest honour I have received in my career," says Professor Sander Greenland.

Greenland originally studied at the University of California, Berkeley, and at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He has held a professorship in epidemiology at the UCLA School of Public Health since 1989 and another in statistics at UCLA College of Letters and Science since 1999.

In 1998 he was appointed a fellow of the American Statistical Association.

The day before the annual celebration, Professor Sander Greenland will appear as keynote speaker at a seminar entitled: Is epidemiology too difficult for statisticians?

The Department of Public Health will host the seminar, which will be held on 12 September 2013 from 14.00 to 16.00 in the Merete Barker Auditorium (Building 1253, Room 211). The seminar is open to everyone.

Further information

Professor and Emeritus Professor Sander Greenland

University of California, Los Angeles

Direct tel: 1-310-455-1197



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