Aarhus University has the opportunity to further develop the strong academic environments at the dental degree units by merging the Department of Dentistry and the School for Dental Assistants, Hygienists and Clinical Technicians (SKT). The dean now invites staff members to take part in the consultation process for the proposal.
2015.05.19 |
A single department that accommodates the dental degree programmes and research into the prevention and treatment of dental diseases. This is the proposal Dean Allan Flyvbjerg presents for the managers and employees at SKT and the Department of Dentistry.
The proposal comes at a time when the positions as head of school and department head are unoccupied. Though the vacant positions are not the reason for the proposed merger. Instead they present an opportunity, says Allan Flyvbjerg.
"It is natural to consider merging two so closely related units. They can become a strong department, which maintains and further develops the academic impact that the school and department both share," says Allan Flyvbjerg.
According to the dean, the fact that the Department of Dentistry and SKT are traditionally closely related is an important factor. Not only in the physical sense, but also when it comes to teaching.
"I would like to invite members of staff to consider which specific opportunities a merger can provide for improved teaching in the teamwork among the odontological teams and the common degree programme elements. Both units have a very application-oriented and business-oriented profile and I believe there is great potential for further developing these," says Allan Flyvbjerg.
Even though SKT and the Department of Dentistry share a common focus on dentistry, they are however two different units with valuable academic environments, which must be maintained and strengthened in the event of a merger. Contributions from members of staff during the consultation phase are therefore important:
"Many considerations will have to be taken into account in the event of a possible merger. We want to create a good and inclusive process with a consultation period which begins today," says Allan Flyvbjerg.
The consultation period runs until 9 June and the consultation responses – together with the proposal – will be presented to the Aarhus University Board for discussion and a decision on 17 June 2015.
Dean Allan Flyvbjerg
Tel.: +45 5177 9548
Dekan Allan Flyvbjerg
M: 51 77 95 48