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Apply for funding to support junior research talents and strengthen international networks

The Aarhus University Research Foundation (AUFF) is now accepting applications for travel grants and AUFF Starting Grants. Deadlines for applications are 8 and 13 April respectively.

2021.03.16 | Henriette Stevnhøj

One day we will be able to travel again, and mobility grants from AUFF can help researchers cultivate their international networks. Photo: Colourbox

The goal of AUFF Starting Grants is to support junior research talents to ensure excellent career opportunities for outstanding researchers at Aarhus University. Starting Grants Research can be applied for to support the establishment of new research areas which need new research groups.

The target group for Starting Grants is recently hired assistant professors, associate professors and professors. There are two annual rounds of applications, the deadline for the first of which is 13 April. However, applications can also be submitted for AUFF Starting Grants at any time if the criteria apply to a negotiation about a new hire or recruitment. In other words, grants can be applied for in urgent situations, where a Starting Grant can help convince a particularly attractive candidate to accept an offer from Aarhus University rather than a different university.  

Read more about AUFF Starting Grants

A life of traveling is waiting on the other side of the Covid-19 pandemic. In any case, AUFF is optimistic about the future and is accepting applications for grants that will support the ingoing and outgoing mobility at Aarhus University.

International researchers coming to Aarhus University and AU researchers with travel fever can apply for the grants. The grants are intended to help researchers gain international experience and to develop and strengthen international research networks. Only permanent members of academic staff may apply for the grants. The application deadline is 8 April.

Read more about International mobility.



Grants and awards, All groups, All AU units, Aarhus University, Research