Health has a profile brochure. It is called SPOT Health and provides an insight into how the main area’s funding from both public and private foundations is translated into results and improved patient treatment.
2014.02.04 |
Health research at AU helps to make a difference - both for the individual citizen and for society in general. In many cases research has made possible by donations from public and private foundations. In the SPOT Health profile brochure you can see how the funding is used to create results.
In the brochure you can find examples of selected research projects that originated from funding that was given in recent years. You can read about how the funding has led to - or is expected to lead to - ground-breaking research and improvement for patients.
The brochure is primarily aimed at decision-makers and foundations, where its aim is to profile the main academic area externally in the hope of attracting even more external funds for Health in the coming years.
Read the online version of the SPOT Health profile brochure or contact the Communication Unit at Health ( to request a printed copy.