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Talk therapy aims to improve heart patients’ physical and psychological well-being

Professor and General Practitioner Bo Christensen from Aarhus University receives DKK five million from the Danish Heart Foundation towards the research he is doing at the intersection between cardiovascular disease, mental health and general practice.

2021.09.22 | Sabina Bjerre Hansen

With the grant from the Danish Heart Foundation, Bo Christensen can help patients with heart disease improve their quality of life and how they cope with the disease. Photo: Derrick Butler.

With the grant from the Danish Heart Foundation, Bo Christensen can help patients with heart disease improve their quality of life and how they cope with the disease. Photo: Derrick Butler.

More than 150,000 Danes live with some form of heart disease. The diagnosis often leads to a difficult time during which many patients struggle with anxiety, depression or stress, all of which can negatively impact quality of life and the treatment of the heart disease.

Bo Christensen investigates whether talk therapy in the form of problem-solving conversations can help the patients to better deal with personal crises. His hypothesis is that the problem-solving conversations with their own GP will have a positive effect on the individual patient's health – both physically and psychologically.

The project is being carried out in general practice, and the idea behind problem-solving conversations is to help the patients to cope with their heart disease. At the same time, the research project provides new knowledge about the correlation between anxiety, depression and cardiovascular disease, as well as the potential for improving the quality of life of patients with heart disease.

Bo Christensen hopes that the approach can subsequently be expanded to patient groups with other chronic diseases.


Professor, PhD & General Practitioner Bo Christensen
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Mobile: (+45) 21 76 66 95
Email: bc@ph.au.dk

Grants and awards, Research, Public/Media, External target group, Health, Health and disease, PhD students, Department of Public Health, Technical / administrative staff, Health