Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Make a difference - stand for the university elections

In November, elections will be held at AU. You can vote for the candidate you want to represent you or you can stand for election yourself to the AU Board, your academic council and your board of studies. If you would like to put your name forward for election, you can do so from 19 October until 23 October.

2020.10.08 | Signe Schou

Would you like a seat at the table when important decisions are made about the structure of your academic regulations, planning of exams or course evaluations? Then stand for the university elections and let your opinion be heard – or vote for the candidate who will make a difference to you and your fellow students.

Who is up for election?

Elections will be held from 9-12 November, and this year all students can stand for election to – or vote for candidates for – the AU Board, the local boards of studies and the academic councils. PhD students can also stand for election and vote in elections to PhD committees. Read more about the various councils, boards and committees.

Register your candidacy from 19 October to 23 October

If you are interested in standing for election, you can register your candidacy electronically from Monday 19 October at 9:00 to Friday 23 October at 12:00 noon. However, it is a good idea to submit your electronic candidacy registration form as early as possible in the period so that any errors can be corrected before the deadline expires. Click here to learn more about how to stand for election.

Check your voting rights

We recommend that you check your voting rights well in advance of the elections. To do so, log in to the election system with your AU ID and password. When you have logged in to the election system, you can see which bodies you can vote for and when. Go directly to the login page in the election system.

When to vote

You can cast your vote electronically during the election period from 9 November at 9:00 to 12 November at 16:00. Log on to the election system with your AU ID and password.

Would you like to learn more?

  • Learn more at au.dk/en/election
  • If you have any questions, please contact the election secretariat at: 8715 3325 or send an email to valg@au.dk
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