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Does the AU liaison committee structure work?

HSU (the Main Liaison Committee) has initiated an evaluation of the liaison committee structure at AU. Among other issues, the evaluation will examine how the liaison committees at different levels (HSU, FSU/ASU, LSU, etc) work together. Employees are encouraged to contact their local liaison representatives if they have input to the evaluation process.

2014.12.11 | Andreas G. Jensby

The liaison committee structure currently in place at AU has existed since early 2012 and has been involved in a number of complex internal processes since then. The main liaison committee (HSU) has therefore asked the members of AU’s liaison committee organisations to evaluate the liaison committee structure. The evaluation will focus on the following issues:

  1. Cooperation between the various levels of the liaison committee structure and their coherence
  2. Cooperation and coordination with other forums, including the occupational health and safety organisation
  3. Whether the structure needs adjustment

A service check makes good sense
The evaluation is being performed under the auspices of the liaison committees at all levels of the organisation. The liaison committees are responsible for inviting other AU forums, such as the occupational health and safety committee, the academic councils, the departmental forums, to participate in the evaluation. The chairman of the committee, Department Head Erik Østergaard, is looking forward to the evaluation.

“With good reason, involvement of employees in decision-making has been put at the top of the agenda at AU, and our liaison committees have an important role to play in this respect. For this reason, taking the time to do a service check makes good sense, so that we can be certain that our liaison committees are functioning optimally in relation to each other, the other forums and not least all the employees. I hope that the evaluation will be received positively, and that everyone will spend the necessary time to give us the most accurate feedback possible.”

A questionnaire will be sent to all liaison committee members, and the deadline for responses is 27 February. Focus group interviews will be held in March. The evaluations will result in a recommendation to HSU that will be considered at an HSU meeting in March.

The members of the evaluation committee are

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Administrative, All groups, All AU units, Aarhus University