Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Virtual PhD defence: Julie Jacoby Petersen

The course of illness among elderly patients after major emergency abdominal surgery: Patients, families, and nurses' experiences and the feasibility of a cross-sectoral family nursing intervention

2021.02.16 | Graduate School of Health

Date Thu 11 Mar
Time 13:00 15:00
Location Online via Zoom

On Thursday 11 March at 13.00, Julie Jacoby Petersen defends her PhD dissertation entitled "The course of illness among elderly patients after major emergency abdominal surgery: Patients, families, and nurses' experiences and the feasibility of a cross-sectoral family nursing intervention".

A heterogeneous group of patients with diverse underlying illnesses undergo major emergency abdominal surgery. For the elderly patient, critical illness, surgery and hospitalisation cause their physical functional level to deteriorate, which is associated with an increased risk of becoming dependent on homecare services and families. These patients are frequently exposed to transitions between healthcare sectors. However, care transitions are affected by lack of coherence between the healthcare sectors, which often challenges elderly patients because of their limited ability to navigate a complex healthcare system. Furthermore, mounting evidence demonstrates how a relative’s illness affects the lives of the families, emotionally, socially and physically. Nevertheless, families’ needs and support for families are often overlooked in the healthcare system.

This PhD contributes with new knowledge related to how elderly patients and their family members experience the course of illness after major emergency abdominal surgery, during hospitalisation and one month after discharge. This PhD project investigates a family nursing intervention, comprising therapeutic family conversations conducted across hospital and municipalities, designed to support patients and their family members. The effectiveness and feasibility of the intervention are evaluated.     

The summary is written by the PhD student.    

The defence is public and takes place online. Please read the attached press release for more information.


PhD student Julie Jacoby Petersen

Mail: julie.jacoby.petersen@regionh.dk 

Phone: (+45) 51686401

Read full press release

PhD defense, Public/Media, Health, Graduate School of Health, PhD students, Graduate School of Health, Academic staff, Department of Public Health