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Virtual PhD defence: Thor Haahr

Diagnosis and treatment of abnormal vaginal microbiota to improve reproductive outcomes in IVF patients

2021.04.08 | Graduate School of Health

Date Thu 22 Apr
Time 11:00 13:00
Location Online via Zoom

On Thursday 22 April at 11:00, Thor Haahr defends his PhD dissertation entitled "Diagnosis and treatment of abnormal vaginal microbiota to improve reproductive outcomes in IVF patients".

This dissertation discusses the genital tract microbiota and its potential impact on reproductive outcomes of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. First, the dissertation introduces infertility as a public health issue in a societal context and with a focus on Denmark which is the setting of this PhD. Next, the dissertation turns to success-rates in IVF treatment, describing the challenge of building evidence for “add-ons” to improve the standard IVF treatment. Finally, the dissertation takes on its main subject of genital tract microbiota, introducing the subject in the context of IVF, followed by a discussion of methods and results in the original work performed over the years of this MD/PhD scholarship from 2016-2021. The initial focus of the PhD project has been to establish a diagnostic tool to identify IVF women at risk of a poor reproductive outcome due to a potential infectious aetiology. The core idea is to use the vaginal microbiota as a proxy to identify a dysbiotic endometrial microbiota – due to ascending infection - which would hamper embryo implantation, and thus successful pregnancy. The jury is still out considering whether diagnosis and treatment of abnormal vaginal microbiota as presented herein should be considered for future IVF treatment, but hopefully this dissertation will clarify the current knowledge and future needs. 

The summary is written by the PhD student.    

The defence is public and takes place online via Zoom. Please read the attached press release for more information.


PhD student Thor Haahr

Mail: thohaa@rm.dk

Phone: (+45) 27885402

Read full press release

PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health, Graduate School of Health, PhD students, Department of Clinical Medicine, Academic staff, Health