Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Three new communication courses for PhD students

Health is now offering three new communication courses aimed at PhD students. The courses will teach the PhD students to communicate their research to a wider audience. All three courses will be held in September, and registration opens now.

2017.06.15 | Mette Louise Ohana

Deadline for registration via the website for all courses is 4 September 2017.

Society makes increasing demands on knowledge exchange with the university, and there is considerable interest in health research among both the media and the general public. At the same time, increased exposure can be an advantage for the individual researcher and research area. Being able to communicate your research so other people, and not only your colleagues, can understand it is therefore important. 

Due to increasing demand for courses in research communication and media training, Health is now offering three new communication courses aimed at PhD students. All courses will be held in Danish: 

The goal is to equip the PhD students to communicate their research in a responsible and engaging manner to a broader public through different channels, ranging from traditional press to social media.

The three all-day courses may be taken together or separately and all earn ECTS credits.

Research on the radio, TV, social media and mobile video

On the Learn to communicate your PhD project to the media course, participants become familiar with basic communicative techniques, gain an insight into journalistic working methods and draw-up a plan for how to communicate a PhD project through different channels.

The media training course is an introduction to how researchers can communicate their research in the media. The course is based on the PhD student's individual research, where participants receive training in how to communicate orally, in writing and in front of a camera.

On the course in Research communication using video, the PhD students are taught how to record and edit video, for example as a video abstract for journals.

The deadline for registration for all courses is 4 September. Registration is via the website.

Marianne Eg, PhD graduate from the Department of Public Health, previously participated in a media training course at Health. Watch her talk about how she has made use of what she learned here (in Danish only).


Communication Partner Lise Wendel Eriksen
Health Communication, Aarhus University
Mobile: (+45) 2993 8616
Email: lwe@au.dk



Education, PhD students, Department of Biomedicine, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Public Health, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Dentistry, Department of Forensic Medicine